
View our Roadmap for all the future updates and changes to come!.

Minecraft Server

Minecraft Server Roadmap

Server Setup

Set up the Minecraft server with necessary configurations and optimizations.

Mod Selection

Select and test the best mods for gameplay enhancements.

World Generation

Customize world generation settings and structures.

Plugin Integration

Integrate essential plugins for server management and player experience.

Website Development

Develop and improve the server's website for player registration and information.

Community Features

Implement forums, chat systems, and social features for the player community.

Economy System

Establish an in-game economy with shops and trading systems.

Quests and Missions

Create quests and missions to engage players and provide objectives.

Testing and Optimization

Conduct thorough testing and optimization to ensure smooth gameplay.

Platform Development

BlockyUniverse Platform Roadmap

Website Design

Improve and develop the website.

Account Creation

Implement Account Creation for Users.

Avatar System

Develop the Avatar Creation/Customization.

Content Pages

Implement Core Features/Pages.

User Profiles

Implement User Profile Features.

Social Features

Work on features like Friends, Messages, Clans, and Trade.

Inventory System

Implement an Inventory System.

Content Creation

Create a System to allow users to create places.

Settings and Preferences

Implement a settings page where users can customize game settings, including audio, graphics, themes, and controls

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